Sunday, August 30, 2009

At last....

The first steps towards fall...Pumpkin Spice Coffee at Fresh Market. (I normally do not consume flavored coffees because the process of roasting and flavoring is highly chemical but c'mon is one bag once a year really gonna kill me? Don't answer that!) While Starbucks has their syrup on hand, they are not currently making Pumpkin Spice Lattes yet. Losers. Hel-lo! Yes it may still be hot as hades outside but technically I am in my "Fall" semester so I think we should all consider it fall. So for all of those you out there longing for the smells and tastes of fall....Fresh Market has your entree into the season.

And since fall is now officially in the air (at least in my kitchen) I will be posting some recent fall inspired purchases from over the weekend soon.

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