Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Dinner Tonight 4/29/09

Tonight was the last night of my Atlantic Slave Trade class!! Yay!!! 

*doin' happy dance*

But since I have class until after six, David fixes dinner.  One of his newly acclaimed talents is Stuffed Poblanos.  This is a low fat version of the Mexican fav Chiles Rellenos.  I serve it with black beans and rice.  Now a word of caution: I use a mixture of black rice, red rice and brown rice.  Ultimately the black rice dyes every other grain a purplish black.  So that accounts for the funky looking rice.  But black and red rice are really good for you.  High in fiber and protein.  Another word of caution:  the black rice also colors the water purple, which I'm pretty sure would stain.  FYI.

Here's the basic recipe. I've actually made him adapt it to using ground turkey breast meat and it turns out just fine.  I have also changed it to use the 1/3 less fat cream cheese and the Cabot 50% Cheddar.  Still tastes awesome!

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